White onion

Extra flavour

Due to its higher content of dry matter and sugars, this variety offers a bold flavor that is highly valued in cooking.

Round in shape and pearly in color, the white onion is exquisite both caramelized and sautéed, thanks to its juicy texture and delicate balance between sweetness and intensity.

At Cebollas Aparici, we specialize in the production and wholesale distribution of white onions for supermarkets, distribution chains, and any other business that needs to buy in bulk. Our commitment to quality and freshness makes us a trusted supplier for the agri-food sector.

Minimum orders and palletization
Learn about the minimum orders by packaging type and the standard palletization of our onions.

Leaders in wholesale white onion trade


Over 40 years of providing the market with the best quality onions.


Always committed to the quality of our production processes, controls, shipments, and more.

Maximum quality

We implement the best quality controls on our products.

Best prices

We offer our customers the best prices for high-quality fresh onions.

Contact us

If you would like more information about our products, feel free to contact us. We will be happy to assist you with anything you need.

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