Pearl onion

Suggestive and delicate

The pearl onion is a small, round variety highly valued for its mild and slightly sweet flavor. With a diameter of less than 40 millimeters, its small size makes it perfect for a single bite, making it a versatile ingredient in the culinary world.

Thanks to its firm and uniform texture, the pearl onion is ideal for a wide range of culinary preparations. It is commonly used in slow-cooked stews, roasted dishes, glazed, and even pickled, always maintaining its structure and enhancing the flavors of each dish.

We specialize in the production and wholesale distribution of pearl onions. Our rigorous selection process and efficient logistics allow us to guarantee maximum freshness and uniformity in every batch.

Minimum orders and palletization
Learn about the minimum orders by packaging type and the standard palletization of our onions.

Experts in wholesale pearl onion sales


Over 40 years of providing the market with the best quality onions.


Always committed to the quality of our production processes, controls, shipments, and more.

Maximum quality

We implement the best quality controls on our products.

Best prices

We offer our customers the best prices for high-quality fresh onions.

Contact us

If you would like more information about our products, feel free to contact us. We will be happy to assist you with anything you need.

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